The Heart of God for Children and the Vulnerable


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Churches and ministries are intended to be safe havens that foster healing and restoration. Unfortunately, they are sometimes a source of pain and abuse instead. Children are the most vulnerable. It’s hard to tell exactly how common child abuse is in the United States. According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, 26% of children are subjected to verbal/emotional abuse, 15% to physical abuse, and 12% to sexual abuse. Many studies indicate that rates are actually significantly higher. Others are vulnerable as well. The authority held by those in Church leadership creates a power differential that has been exploited to abuse and mistreat people of every gender, every background, and every age group. This must not be ignored by the Church, but sadly, we have not prepared our leaders to respond in a God-honoring and survivor-centered way. At times, we have misapplied the truth of Scripture to justify the abuse or our silence. At times, we have hidden from the truth or sided with those who abuse instead of those who have been abused. At times, we have further harmed children and adult survivors by using as a weapon the power God has entrusted to us. This does not reflect the heart of God, and I believe it does not reflect the heart of most people in God’s Church.

But this is not the end of the story. There is hope for prevention, healing, and accountability. Jesus modeled this hope. Hearing, loving, and protecting children and the vulnerable were central themes of Jesus’ ministry on Earth. Whether welcoming them to him, holding them up as an ideal of faith, or proclaiming judgment on those who harmed them, Jesus clearly showed a heart for children and the vulnerable. As the tangible expression of God’s presence on Earth, the Church must do the same.

This heart is at the core of GRACE’s mission to empower Christian communities to recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse. The early Church, so close to the time of Christ, played a central role in ending many abusive practices that were prevalent at that time. We believe the Church today is called to take up that mantle once again and be a safe haven for children and all who are vulnerable.

Jesus clearly showed a heart for children and the vulnerable. As the tangible expression of God’s presence on Earth, the Church must do the same.

The work is not easy. It is not quickly finished. But it CAN be done. Through education, consultation, and accountability, GRACE believes we can work together for the sake of those who have been abused. We believe this movement can bring about a deep cultural change as the Church more closely reflects the heart of God toward children and all people. We long to lift our voices with yours for the sake of those who are vulnerable. Christ calls us to do no less.


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Pete Singer
Executive Director